September 29, 2024
In this past Sunday’s Gospel. Jesus shows that even though someone may not be in our select group, we should never treat them differently from everyone else. To profess the name of Jesus Christ is to profess charity and respect for all our brothers and sisters in Christ. Everyone may not profess the name of Christ in the same way we do but this does not mean we become uncharitable and arrogant towards others who see differently from us. To show that one lives in Spirit and in Truth is to treat all persons as Christ Himself. We may not agree with many people and we may not even like many people; however, when we do our best to treat all people with kindness and respect we avoid scandalizing and discouraging others who would like to join the Cause for Salvation! What great witness one can give when they learn to live in unity and peace despite the differences they have. As Jesus tells His disciples so He tell us If they cast out demons in my name, they are for us. How can they be against us? Planet earth is not filled with perfect communities nor is it booming with harmonious relationships. On the other hand, we can be those small lights shining around the world showing to all there is still a strong desire for what is wanting in humanity, Love and Charity.