Parishioners of Sacred Heart Roman Catholic Church are actively involved in many forms of ministry.  Below is a brief description of each of the ministries available.  If you are interested in participating in any of these ministries and would like more information, please contact the Parish Office.

Liturgical Ministries

Altar ServersAll boys in the fifth grade and older are invited to serve at the altar in this ministry. Training occurs bi monthly basis. If interested, call the Parish Office at 242-326-6004

Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion (EMHC) - This important ministry provides ministers of the Eucharist at the weekend Masses. 

Greeters This group of parishioners welcome those joining in celebration at each Mass.  This ministry is very much in need of volunteers. For more information, please call the Parish Office at 242-326-6004

Ministers of the Word (Lectors) - A rewarding way to participate in our Sunday worship is to proclaim God’s Word as a lector.  If interested in this ministry, please call the Parish Office at 242-326-6004

Music Ministry - Music ministers include choir members, cantors, organists and instrumentalists, as well as the children’s choir.  If you have an interest in participating in this ministry, please call the Parish Office at 242-326-6004

Ushers This group of parishioners attend to the safety and comfort of the congregation. This ministry is very much in need of volunteers. If you have an interest in participating in this ministry, please call the Parish Office at 242-326-6004


For comments and suggestions: Sacred Heart Catholic Church Web Team
Updated: February 2, 2025

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